The Deluxe Surreys, four wheel Surrey bikes, are widely recognized in the bicycle industry as the world-wide leader. When new components and technology become available in the bicycle industry, we immediately evaluate their possible application to the finest Surrey bike in the world through the prism of our experience. The newest Surrey Deluxe™, the 2 person, 4 person and 6 person Surrey bike, was designed with an appreciation of our past and an eye to the future. The result is the Surrey Deluxe™, unique in its design and style with no equal.
The Surrey Deluxe™, reminiscent of early automobiles at the beginning of the 20th century, has been a staple in the leisure cycle and rental business for nearly 50 years. Designed for adults and children, the four wheel Surrey bike provides families and other sightseers with the ability to leisurely enjoy any park, boulevard, beach or lake front.
At home, a Surrey cycle is perfect for families to enjoy their neighborhood, local city park and other areas suitable for bike riding. Now with the optional exclusive, electric pedal-assist, Hitch Hiker and Easy 7 Speed Gearing Package, the 4 wheel Surrey bike is a transportation alternative to school and the neighborhood grocery store.